Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Starizona Night Owl Focal Reducer -- Updated

For some time I have used the combo 0.63x focal reducer(FR) and diagonal to achieve about an f/5 focal ratio with some rather distorted stars out to the edge of the ASI 294MC Pro with its 16x13mm sensor. Recently I procured a Starizona Nightowl FR which promises .. "to provide excellent image quality over a 16mm image circle." This is a bit of an over promise. Even near the 13mm dimension edge of the ASI294MC star distortion is quite evident; albeit less objectionable than the aforementioned 0.63x FR optical configuration. 

A bigger concern is uneven background vignetting. This is expected in any optical system which is why flat field correction is essential. However, in just my short experience with the Night Owl there is a small residual greenish glow  evident in the center of the Horsehead Nebula and NGC1981 images even after applying several flat fields acquired at different exposures. Imaging was from  a quite light polluted area, Frederick, Maryland and it's hoped a Orion SkyGlow Astrophotography Filter will help with this. Meanwhile here are a few early results. 

Update: Since this writeup almost all NightOwl images have been acquired at 3104x2116 or 3104x2844 pixel formats. At these formats flat frames are effective eliminating the residual greenish glow in the center of DSO images. I now do all NightOwl imaging at the 3104x2844 format. 

Barnard 33(Horse Head Nebula), NGC2023, 
NGC 2024(Flame Nebula)

Sharpless 279, NGC1981 

Recent and not so recent DSO images

These images were typically acquired using a Celestron 0.63x focal reducer with or without a diagonal. With the diagonal a non optimal F/4 focal ratio is achieved. With my typical straight through configuration with 108 mm gap between the focal reducer and the sensor yields ~F/6.3. Imager was ZWO ASI294MC-Pro @0C or 10C depending on ambient temperature.

Processing is with AutoStakkert for averaging subframes, Paintshop Pro X9 for image processing. In some cases the minimalist Fix app built into Window 10 Photo Gallery was used to tweak the image.

NGC 6960 - Western Veil Nebula

NGC6888 -Crescent Nebula

 ZWO ASI294MC Pro series of 180s exposures
Messier 81- Bode's Galaxy
Planetary nebular: Average of 8x180s, ASI294MC Pro
Messier 27 - Dumbell Nebula
NGC6992 - Eastern Veil Nebula

ASI294MC Pro, 10x120s exposures
Messier 8 - Lagoon Nebula

ASI294MC Pro, series of 30s exposures
Messier 31- Andromeda Galaxy

ASI294MC Pro, Average of 15x60s exposures
Messier 16 - Eagle Nebula

ASI294MC Pro, 20x30s averaged.
Messier 17 Omega Nebula