Monday, March 22, 2021

Into Spring

Spring has arrived, so I've decided to get a jump on galaxy season. One non-galaxy target, overlooked by me in the past, is the gaseous nebula NGC2174. It was during an earlier open cluster imaging night that I noticed its nebulosity while imaging its associated open cluster NGC2175. Imaging wasn't under the best conditions, the heavily light polluted count of Frederick, MD, so I'll likely revisit NGC2174 in the future. It appears below along with five galaxies. All imaging was done at F/4 with a Starizona Night Owl focal reducer/corrector. Am, I glad I acquired this accessory before the SARS Covid-2 pandemic as it's been out of stock for months.  NGC2174 and NGC2175 were averaged from 60s sub frames. The galaxies were averaged  from 120s sub frames.

NGC2174 (gaseous nebula) and NGC2175 (open cluster)

M94 (galaxy)

M106 (galaxy)

M109 (galaxy)

NGC2403 (galaxy)
