Similar to October 22, I decided to image M42 from my mostly tree blocked patio at 5AM in what amounted to a practice session. Ultimately I want to acquire an M42 good enough to enlarge, frame and wall hang. Similar to previous patio adventures the scope was rough aligned the night before on Mars and three other stars; two for calibration the put in hybernation. I was awakened by the flip phone alarm at 4AM well before M42 cleared the #%@&ing tree.
I decided to image at the ASI294MC Pro's full frame, 1x1 binning and at 120 gain. I would use the best frames from sets of 30x15s and 30x30s. Cooling was set at -10C. I not aggressive in cooling to limit taxing the cooler and the battery. Flat frames were acquired later in the morning after the scope hand warmed up. Stacking with Autostakkert!3 and processing with Paintshop Pro 9 resulted in the following.
Not bad. I don't consider this quite frame worthy but it's close. The problem is the haloing around the bright stars which might derive from my use of a light pollution filter just in front of the camera or from the protective glass in front of the sensor. That said, I'm really impressed by how well the auto-guider does considering my rough alignment on the patio. I really look forward to a few rare mid Atlantic clear, moonless nights with good seeing where I can go to one of my darkish sites to put this system through its paces.