It's embarrassing but I have had this Orion Light Pollution filter for a number of years for use in visual DSO viewing. Never, thought to use it with my previous or current deep sky imagers until last night (9/30/2018). My doh! moment came while watching an AstroBackYard Youtube video review of the ASI294MC Pro where the narrator admires the sensitivity of the camera even with filters.
The images below were acquired using with the Orion LPF in heavily and increasingly light polluted Frederick Maryland. M27 was acquired using 15 sec exposures at using a Celestron 8 at F/4.6 on an AVX mount with tracking but no autoguider. The two nebulae were the same configuration but 30 sec exposures. My near term goal is to acquire an autoguider and increase exposure times.
Messier 27 |
NGC6888 Crescent Nebula |
NGC6992 |
Update: I just ordered an Orion Magnificent Mini Autoguider. To date I have never imaged with guiding and it pretty much shows when images are enlarged. The stars are almost always a little misshaped or elongated for exposures longer than 15 sec. I've been content to tolerate these flaws. The Celestron AVX tracks beautifully for it's size and weight but no mount is perfect. With the ASI294MC-Pro its time to go deeper with longer exposures with the additional benefit of guiding.
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