Based on Clear Sky Charts forecast the night (1/3/2022) promised to be clear, cold and with poor seeing but I decided to go after a few targets including three comets. Of the six scheduled targets only four produced acceptable images. It appears too much Frederick, MD light pollution as well as nearby illumination was leaking into the scope despite the SCT dew shield. All images were 64x30s subframes except for M33 which was 124x30s. Equipment used: Celestron 8 on AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl 0.4X focal reducer/corrector and ASI294MC Pro. Images were stack averaged in Autostakkert! and then stretched and processed with Paintshop Pro.
Messier 76 (The Little Dumbell Nebula) |
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko |
Messier 33 - Triangulum Galaxy |
Comet 2019L3 Atlas |
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