Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Windows Live(TM) Gallery

April - May mid Atlantic clouds have been frustrating leaving me time to retrospectively play with past images. I often quick view images with Windows Live Gallery. What I had not noticed or played with until recently was the Fix function. Fix is a basic image processing app that lets you make quick adjustments brightness, contrast, color, tint, and saturation. Other functions are sharpening and noise reduction. I still do initial processing of the averaged image using Corel Paintshop Pro X9 . These five galaxies were touched up with the Windows Live(tm) Gallery Fix after initial processing with Paintshop Pro X9. Unfortunately galaxy season, when the Virgo and Coma galaxy clusters are prominent around 10 PM is passing fast. Fingers are crossed the last week of May when the moon is waning will bring some clear skies.




