Monday, April 29, 2024

4/29/2024: M3, M49, M51, M85, M13

Celestron 8/AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl F/4.0 reducer / corrector, ZWO ASI294MC Pro, Orion Mini Autoguider. 

M3 (globular cluster)

M49 (elliptical galaxy)
M51(The Whirlpool Galaxy)

M13 (globular cluster)

M85 (Elliptical galaxy)

All images averaged from subframes, corrected for gradients with GraXpert then processed with Paintshop Pro.  M3, M13  averaged from 60x15s subframes. Galaxies averaged from 30 to 60 30s subframes. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

4/7/2024: M67, M85, M86, NGC2903, M3

 Celestron 8 AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl F/4.0 Focal reducer corrector, ZWO ASI294 MC Pro. Unfortunately imaging settings were not saved.

M67 Open Cluster

M85 (center) Galaxy

M86 (center)


M3 Globular Cluster