IC405 |
IC410 |
IC447 |
NGC2174 |
NGC2264 |
M3 |
This blog was started to display my one shot color camera Deep Sky Images first with a Meade Deep Sky Imager then ZWO ASI174MC-COOL and now ZWO ASI294MC Pro.
Below are some of the better DSO images acquired between the title dates. The usual setup Celestron 8, Starizona Night Owl(F/4) focal reducer corrector, ASI294 MC Pro guided by Celestron AVX and Orion Magnificent Mini auto-guider.
Messier 46 (Open Cluster), NGC2438 (Planetary Nebula) |
NGC2301 (Open Cluster) |
NGC2353 (Open Cluster) |
Messier 34 (Open Cluster) |
Messier 103 (Open Cluster) |
NGC129 (Open Cluster) |
NGC281 (Pacman Nebula) |
NGC1528 (Open Cluster) |
NGC1545 (Open Cluster) |
IC410 (Star Forming Region) |
Barnard 33 (Horsehead Nebula), NGC2023 (Reflection Nebula) NGC2024(Flame Nebula), Star Alnitak |
NGC2174 (Monkey Head Nebula) |