Sunday, November 26, 2023

Orion Nebula

Imaged 11/18/2023 from patio in light polluted skies south of Boston. Celestron 8, Starizona Night Owl 0.4X focal reducer corrector, ASI294MC Pro, Orion Mini Autoguider. Averaged from 120 8s subframes. Processing: Stretched and reduced gradient processing using GraXpert A.I. method. White balancing and vibrancy in Paintshop Pro 2021.

M42 (Orion Nebula)

More GraXpert Interpolation Comparisons

In the previous post five interpolation methods, two AI, RBF, Splines and Kriging were compared for their effectiveness in eliminating background gradients. NGC7293 (Helix Nebula) was the target. The differences were subtle; however, to my eye, Kriging performed the best overall. 

In this post only the latest AI (1.01), RBF, Splines and Kriging are compared by processing M8 (Lagoon Nebula), NGC281(Pacman Nebula) and M42(Orion Nebula). In the previous post stretching was done in Paintshop Pro 2021 (PSP21) before applying GraXpert. Herein GraXpert stretching was performed along with gradient processing. Also, for RBF, Splines and Kriging the same set of sampling points were used. For each set of four images the same white balance and vibrancy cosmetic tweaks were applied in PSP21.

The differences among the M8 images are very subtle; almost inconsequential. Kriging does appear to pull out a bit more nebulosity than the other methods. The differences are even more subtle among the NGC7293 images. The biggest differences among the methods are visible with M42. 

M8 (A.I.)

M8 (Kriging)

M8 (RBF)

M8 (Splines)

NGC7293 (Splines)

NGC7293 (RBF)

NGC7293 (Kriging)

NGC7293 (A.I.)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

GraXpert Interpolation Methods Comparison

I recently upgraded to GraXpert from v.1.06 (Dione) to v.2.02 which has added an AI interpolation method. The other three methods are Kriging, RBF and Splines. By coincidence I had recently imaged NGC7293 which rides only 25 degrees above my light polluted southern horizon. The result is an intense gradient including an imbedded "donut" that is not removed by darks and flats (calibration). All five GraXpert methods were applied. Of the five, to my eye, Kriging performed the best in reducing the gradient and reducing (but not eliminating) the donut residue. The  five images just after applying GraXpert and Paintshop Pro histogram stretch appear below. 

AI 1.01

AI 1.00




Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Few September 2023 DSOs

The following are the few DSOs imaged this September worth showing. Setup: Celestron 8 SCT/AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl, ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera, Orion Auto-guider.


Messier 13



Sharpless 136

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August Summer Favorite Globular Clusters

I never tire of imaging these summer favorites. Setup: Celestron 8/AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl F/4 focal reducer, ASI294MC Pro cooled camera, Orion Auto Guider. 

Messier 3

Messier 4

Messier 5

Messier 9

Messier 10

Messier 12

Messier 13

Messier 14

Messier 22

Messier 28

Messier 92

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Supernova in M101

It was luck that I happened to image M101 on May 18 amidst "galaxy season". and just a day before the announcement of supernova SN2023ixf discovered by Japanese amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki. I only became aware of the supernova a few days later and thanks to a spring high pressure system managed to image M101 on the 26th despite a high in the sky waxing near first quarter waxing moon.  The two images appear below. The supernova appears in the top spiral arm above and left of the galactic center. 

Equipment used: Celestron 8 on AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl 0.4x Focal Reducer, ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera,  Orion Magnificent Mini autoguider. The 5/18 image was averaged  from 60 x 30s subframes while the 5/26 image was averaged from 30 x 60s subframes. 


M101 + SN2023ixf  (5-26-2023)

Friday, May 26, 2023

May Galaxy Season Images Excluding M101

This backdated post is for DSO images acquired  up to during May 2023 except for M101 and its supernova. M101 was imaged by luck on May 18th, the day the supernova was reported and later on May 26th. A post devoted to those images was published May 27.  Setup: Celestron 8/AVX mount, Starizona Night Owl F/4 focal reducer, ZWO ASI294MC Pro cooled camera, Orion Magnificent Mini Auto-guider.  Autostakkert!3 and  Paintshop Pro employed for image processing.

Messier 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy)

Messier 61

Messier 104 (Sombrero Galaxy)

Messier 94

Messier 63

Messier 64

Messier 49

Monday, April 10, 2023

April 2023 DSO Images

This post is backdated to April 10, 2023 the day on which all my April imaging occurred. Setup: Celestron 8 SCT, Starizona Night Owl f/4.0 focal reducer, ZWO ASI294MC Pro cooled camera, Orion Magnificent Mini Auto-guider. Processing: Autostakkert!3, Paintshop Pro 2021. 



Sharpless 274

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Open Clusters 10/27/2022

Open clusters are deep sky low hanging fruit objects that let you image quite a few in a single night. If you're new to astro-imaging open clusters are great for familiarization with focusing and autoguiding. The eleven open clusters were all acquired during one night out each using 30 x 30 second exposures; plenty of time for familiarization and practice. 

Messier 34

Messier 39 

NGC 129

NGC 225

NGC 457 (Owl Cluster)

NGC 663

NGC 774

NGC 7039

NGC 7082

NGC 7243

NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose