Friday, November 20, 2020

Meade DSI Open Clusters and Nebulae #3

Here are a few more deep sky images acquired with the mothballed Meade DSI IIc. Unfortunately, as said in earlier posts, there's no documentation. Likely they were acquired between F/3 and F5 using an Atik 0.5X focal reducer stacked in line with a Celestron F/6.3 focal reducer. My plan is to image these and images from the previous two posts with the current equipment: ASI294MC Pro, Starizona Night Owl, Celestron 8 AVX.

NGC 869 and NGC 884

Messier 21

Messier 39

Messier 52


NGC 6883

NGC 6913

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Comet Lovejoy and Open Clusters #2 Meade DSI

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy from April 2015 and accompanying open clusters were taken with the Meade DSI Color II. Quite a bit of noise is evident in these stretched images despite the use of dark frames. Not sure about exposure times. Recent an near future posted Meade DSI astro-images will be targets for future imaging with the ASI294MC Pro. 

Comet C2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Messier 41




Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Open Clusters by Meade DSI #1

The following are a few never posted open star clusters taken with the Celestron 8/AVX and Meade DSI back on 1/14/2016. Lacking notes I have estimated the fields of view based on ratios of measured object radius and image width. The average FOV was 32x26 arcmin corresponding to F/3.3 indicating inline use of the Celestron F/6.3 and Atik 0.5x focal reducers. Images were made before acquiring an auto-guider and thus are unguided.  The AVX mount's all star polar alignment combined with relatively short exposures yielded nice round star images. 

Messier 103

NGC 1647

NGC 1807

NGC 1817

NGC 2129

NGC 2158