Friday, August 31, 2018

A few ASI 294 MC Pro Images

Before getting into the imaging it's valuable to note that ASI294MC-Pro was not recognized by SharpCap 2.9 forcing me to upgrade to  v3.1. To benefit from live dark frame subtraction I had to pay for the pro version only to find the dark frame subtraction did not work properly. I noted this to the developer who has worked with me to fix the issue which I'm currently testing. Recently, clear skies have been the exception. The following images were acquired without the live frame subtraction with dark frames applied during  Autostakkert processing.

Messier 17
Messier 16
Messier 22
Messier 27

Except for the exposure times all of the above images were averaged from 25 subframes using the following settings.  Messier 22 was acquired using 8s images. The other three images were acquired using 15s images.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Well...the ASI174MC-COOL did not work out

Ignore the publication date. This post was written around July 20th, 2018 but only published 8/8/18. I'll try for brevity.

The ASI174MC-COOL camera that replaced my mothballed but still working Meade DSI Color died TWICE under warranty. I suspect this was due to the camera drawing too much current and overheating while acquiring dark images for later use. When it worked the camera was productive and enjoyable to use despite its high amplifier glow. High Point Scientific was classy enough to  issue me a credit for the full camera price after the second failure. Thank you HPS.

I used the credit, plus an additional $311 to procure the popular ASI294MC-Pro. I've only had it a couple days but so far am impressed. I was inspired to get the 294 by the awesome Astrobin images taken by Robin Clark with her 14" Celestron Edge SCT with a 0.67x focal reducer. Although her imager is an ASI1600MC-Pro its pixels are a bit smaller suggesting the ASI294MC-Pro is a bit more sensitive.

I use an 8" Celestron SCT also with a 0.67x. Suggesting the 294MC Pro would be a good match. To my delight on my second night out with the new camera I was able to get this M-13 image, though sadly marred by a dust speck ring.

Update: I was not using flat frames at the time of this writing.

The image is also noisy as I was running at high gain and with short (8s) exposures and dark frames only averaged from five sub-frames.