Sunday, April 10, 2016

Open Clusters: M37, M44, M67

These images were acquired 3/29/2016. Scope used was Celestron Travelscope 70x400mm mounted piggy back on Celestron 8 SCT / AVX mount. Optical train included Antares 0.5x Focal reducer. Alignment: 2 Alignment Stars+4 alignment stars+ All star polar alignment. Exposures: 8-15s with sidereal tracking only. Post processing: Fits liberator with ArcSinh(x) tranform of histograms. Layers colorized and combined with PSP9.

Messier 37

Messier 44

Messier 67

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Three galaxies M51, M94, M109 and a globular M3

M51 and M3  are  old  favorites. M94 and M109 were  new targets for the night (3/11/16). Scope  used  was  Celestron 8 mounted on AVX mount. Optical train included Celestron 0.66x field flattening focal reducer stacked with Antares 0.5x focal reducer. Two star alignment with 4 calibration stars and Celestron "All Star Polar Alignment" was use to align with true celestial north. Images were acquired with 25 15-30s  exposure frames in FITS format. Post processing was with Fitsliberator using the ArcSinh(x) transform to TIFF format. Red, green and blue layers were colorized and recombined using Paintshop Pro 9.

Messier 94

Messier 51

Messier 109

Messier 3