One thing you can be sure of is the more things you need for a sky gazing trip out the more chances things can go wrong. More than once I have trekked 45 miles out to Harvard, MA only to have forgotten a key item or have something fail. Once last year it was the AVX mount. Once, with my previous scope, a Meade 127ED, it was ... arrgghh... the 2" to 1.25" adapter.
The most recent night, 2/6/2016, it was the DC to AC converter I use to power the laptop off of the car battery. It suddenly stopped working. Lacking a spare fuse or a way to test the fuse continuity I cut my night short trying to image on my aging Acer battery. It barely delivered 90 minutes. The one image acquired was not worth keeping.
Now here's the kicker. When I got home a test of the fuse showed it was fine. I plugged the DC/AC converter into the jump starter 12v port and it worked. Huh? I the tried it in the car and after a couple of plugs and unplugs, well it worked. Well at least the 90 mile drive was on $1.49 gas instead of $3.49 gas from a few years ago.